Tuesday, 21 January 2014

CX fanfares- 21 Jan 2014- New York

It's getting closer to my next trip, so looking at fanfares is getting a little more exciting. Nothing that hits the spot at the moment, but heaps of sale fares are due to come out soon.

Location Price Taxes Total HK$ AUD$ Dates Seats
Sanya $490 $669 $1,159 $166 23/1/2014- 31/1/2014 100
Ningbo $790 $693 $1,483 $212 6/4/2014- 19/4/2014 200
Phnom Penh $790 $773 $1,563 $223 25/1/2014- 30/1/2014 110
Shanghai $790 $669 $1,459 $208 23/1/2014- 2/2/2014 180
Xian $890 $693 $1,583 $226 6/4/2014- 19/4/2014 200
Penang $990 $773 $1,763 $252 6/4/2014- 19/4/2014 200
Kota Kinabalu $1,090 $738 $1,828 $261 6/4/2014- 19/4/2014 200
Osaka $1,890 $815 $2,705 $386 2/3/2014-15/3/2014 200
Johannesburg $1,990 $2,435 $4,425 $632 26/1/2014- 3/2/2014 90
Brisbane $2,890 $2,660 $5,550 $793 6/4/2014- 19/4/2014 200
New York $3,490 $2,450 $5,940 $849 31/1/2014- 3/2/2014 45

As always, any discrepancies, check the fanfares website. 

My pick is New York. Bit on the expensive side for a sale fare, but my cousin has been taking beautiful snow capped trees and gourmet delights from new york lately. 


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