As you know, I've booked tickets to Taipei, Taiwan in November. When I searched for the must see places in Taiwan, Taroko Gorge 太é¯é–£ ALWAYS comes up. So how can I miss it?
Attractions to see:
- Taroko Gorge Gateway
- Eternal Spring Shrine
- Swallow Caves
- Tunnel of Nine Turns
- Chi Hsing Beach
I found a few useful websites:
- Tripadvisor was my BEST resource for planning this trip. Not only did travelers offer their reviews of Taroko Gorge but gave really helpful tips on planning. I.e. Hiring a private taxi guide, which train to take.
- Taroko Gorge National Park website was really useful. Contains information about which trails are closed, maps and distances, trail details.
- Wikipedia For your standard brief review of history and information.
- Taiwan Tour Bus is a government initiative that lists all tour companies in the local area. Half and full days tours available from hunters. [NAff] Prices ranged from N$650 to N$988.
- Taiwan Railways Timetable. Helped with planning the timing of the trip, note that overseas visitors cannot pay for tickets online. And you can only see up to 2 months in advance. Express tickets, approx 2 hours from Taipei Main Station costs N$440/ way.
- Individual tour operators: Taiwan Holidays AU full day tour costs A$180 (N$4860). [NAff]
- Blogs also offered heaps of details and recommendations. For example, Into.Her.World gave more details of Tiffany Chang, the private taxi/tour driver as well as a full day run down. N$3000/ day. This.Boundless.World offers a review of different ways to see Taroko Gorge.
- Tiffany at +886912522118 or Alternatively, you can visit her Facebook page
- Lonely planet guidebook. Without fail, it's a go to for travelers, this was to make sure I didn't miss out on anything.
- Local travel agents in Australia knew NOTHING about taiwan. Epic fail. Chinatown travel agents were better, but you better know Chinese.
- Youtube wasn't that helpful, mostly travelers posting their entire journeys with little useful information.
- Price effective for more than 2 people
- Flexible schedule
- More indepth experience
- Local knowledge
- Highly recommended by other travellers
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