Thursday 19 September 2013

Once in New York: Broadway tickets

I was reminded of seeing a broadway show in New York by the newsletter in my inbox this morning.

New York

Usually, I would say no to such an experience. An expensive, time consuming activity while in the city for only a short amount of time doesn't usually play to it's favour.
On this occasion, my cousin and I tried to get last minute tickets by cuing early that day. But it was sad, we were too late and only standing tickets were available.
Well, since it was cheap I took the ticket.

Once the musical was fantastic. The small theatre really made it an amazing intimate setting. While the story was somewhat weird and actors over the top compared to their silver screen counterparts, don't take my word for it, you have to experience it to truly appreciate. And I am a big fan of violins, drum boxes and the like, so it was good old fashion fun.

If I am no longer a poor stingey traveller, I would opt for seating for sure. It was really really uncomfortable to stand for so long, especially since this was the last few days of my 3 month long adventure.

If you are in New York for the next couple of months consider these sales tickets: [Affiliate links included].

Billy Crystal: 700 Sundays - On Broadway - Save on Tickets!
Wicked on Broadway - Save on Tickets!
Annie The Musical - Save Over $25!
Fuerza Bruta - Now Live in NYC - Save 20% on Tickets!
Cinderella on Broadway - Mezz Seats - Tickets from $86!
The Lion King: The Musical -Tickets from $120!
Phantom of the Opera on Broadway - Save over $30 on Seats!
Jersey Boys on Broadway - Orchestra Seats - Tickets from $115!
Mamma Mia on Broadway! - Save Over $40 on Seats!
Romeo and Juliet - On Broadway - Save $15 on Tickets!
The Book of Mormon on Broadway - Buy Tickets in Advance & Save!
Chicago: The Musical on Broadway - Save over $25 on Tickets!

I would skip the link up at the red ticket booths. Only do so if you have time, the lines are so long, and you might miss out on what you wanted to see anyway. With a limited amount of time, just buy tickets in advance so you won't get disappointed. 

What are you cheap ways to get tickets in advance?


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